We are excited to announce the Young Women’s Workshop will be returning this year! We are excited to invite Martha Baartz back as our mentor for the 2024 Workshop! Martha will be assisted by Talkin' Jazz staff Cassie Whitehead and Kayleigh Pincott. Complete the registration form here!
“I felt extremely safe, and that helped my confidence”
2024 Mentor, Martha Baartz
The Young Women’s Workshop is designed for young women of high-school age to learn more about jazz, and jazz performance skills. This year the workshop is facilitated by Talkin’ Jazz in collaboration with the Brisbane International Jazz Festival.
"I found the workshop beneficial because I got to learn... in a community where everyone was accepted and supported."
One of the aims of the Talkin' Jazz program is to connect young musicians with more experienced jazz musicians and educators. Participants of the YWW will be joined by the incredible Martha Baartz with the option to be a fly on the wall at the Unladylike Big Band ‘Open Rehearsal’. Martha will guide students through performance and improvisational skills. More information available via the Registration form.
Congratulation to our 2023 YWW participants!
Congratulation to our 2023 YWW participants!
“It was really awesome to have a bunch of female mentors and I liked learning with other young females. It felt very new to have so many women in an ensemble and it was cool to be part of a group of passionate female musicians working together”